Mind and Space | Mystery of The Mind #1

Written by on August 18, 2021

“They declare that since the mind cannot, by its very nature, have a position in space, there is only one phenomenon to be considered, namely, the brain. Such a declaration, which is contrary to the thinking of most men today as it was in ages past, is an unproven hypothesis.”

What I love about this is we have a neurosurgeon, someone who works on the brain, hands on, confidently pointing out that by its very nature, the mind does not take up space. From this line of logic all you need to recognize is that the 3 spatial dimensions that we consider reality, are the 3 dimensions used to measure space. So if something does not take up space, it is not measurable by those 3 dimensions and is by definition belonging to another dimension. When people hear the word dimension or realm they think of an entirely different place with it’s own 3 spatial dimensions, but that’s a very Hollywood way of thinking about dimensions. Dimensions are just directions of which we can measure something that exists. I tend to use the phrase measurement of existence, instead of dimension, because I find it pulls us away from thinking of alternate dimensions and just parallel universes.