Order Out of Chaos | Sex, Ecology, Spirituality #1

Written by on May 27, 2021

The closing of the gap between the physiosphere and the biosphere came
precisely in the rather recent discovery of those subtler and originally
hidden aspects of the material realm that, under certain circumstances,
propel themselves into states of higher order, higher complexity, and higher
organization. In other words, under certain circumstances matter will “wind
itself up” into states of higher order, as when the water running down a
drain suddenly ceases to be chaotic and forms a perfect funnel or whirlpool.
Whenever material processes become very chaotic and “far from
equilibrium,” they tend under their own power to escape chaos by
transforming it into a higher and more structured order—commonly called
“order out of chaos.””

– Sex, Ecology, Spirituality


This idea that under certain circumstances matter will “wind itself up” into higher more complex forms of organization, is exactly what I try to help people do. My M.O.T.S. program is designed to do exactly that. We need to pull our parts apart and examine them to better understand them, before putting everything back in place in its newly found order. Our bodies, or physical selves, tend to keep themselves in order, but our metaphysical selves are often in chaotic disorder, and we need to transform that chaos into order. Only then will both halves of our Being be working in a complex, structured, harmonious, and higher order.